Thursday, August 31, 2023

T. Y. B.Com Poem 3. - The Ballad of Father Gilligan - MCQ

 The Ballad of Father Gilligan

                                                                                                    William Butler Yeats

1.      Who wrote the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      William Butler Yeats

2.      When was W. B. Yeats born?

a.      1865

3.      In which year did W. B. Yeats breathe his last?

a.      1928

4.      W. B. Yeats belonged to which country?

a.      Ireland

5.      What was considered for the subject matter in the Irish National Revival in the 1980s?

a.      Celtic legends referring Byzantium, Greece and Italy

6.      Why Celtic legends referred to Byzantium, Greece and Italy were used as subject matter in the Irish National Revival?

a.      To revive the glorious past

7.      What is the full name of Father Gilligan?

a.      Peter Gilligan

8.      As per the poem, what can be the age category of Father Gilligan?

a.      Old age

9.      The poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan is about _____?

a.      God

10.  Whom did God send in the guise of Father Gilligan?

a.      An angel

11.  On what note does the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan end?

a.      note of praise and awe

12.  What do green sods in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan mean?

a.      Grave

13.  Which bird is mentioned to have arrived and marked the morning time for Father Gilligan in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      A sparrow

14.  What does the line, ‘And God covered the world with shade’, imply in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      It is night time

15.  Father Gilligan was a/an _____.

a.      Old priest

16.  Father Gilligan was asked to keep vigil (night watch) at _____.

a.      the death bed of parishioners

17.  State the synonym of the word tired as used in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      Weary

18.  When did Father Gillian utter, ‘I have no rest, nor joy, nor peace, For people die and die’?

a.      When a grieving poor man was sent for him

19.  According to the poem, why did Father Gillian utter, ‘I have no rest, nor joy, nor peace, for people die and die’?

a.      Because he was very tired

20.  What does Father Gilligan say to God while asking for Forgiveness?

a.      ‘ My body spake, not I’.

21.  What began to grow into millions, as mentioned in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      Stars

22.  What does the word grieve mean in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      Mourn

23.  What does the word upright mean in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      vertical

24.  What does ‘moth-hour’ mean in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      Twilight of Evening time

25.  Give one word for, “a low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land”.

a.      Fen

26.  Give one word for, “sharp, high pitched sound, mostly made by a bird”.

a.      Chirp

27.  What does the word ‘Mavrone’ uttered by the priest mean?

a.      Sorrowful exclamation / Alas!

28.  What did the sick man’s wife say to Father Gilligan when she opened the door?

a.      Father! You come again.

29.  How did Father Gilligan reach the sick man’s house?

a.      He rode (with little care) swiftly on his horse

30.  When the father reached the deceased’s house, who opened the door for him?

a.      The sick man’s wife

31.  Who helped Father Gilligan while he was asleep?

a.      God/ God’s Angel/ Jesus

32.  When did the poor man die, as stated by the sick man’s wife?

a.      An hour before Father reached

33.  . What does the word robes mean in the poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan?

a.      long, loose outer garments

34.  What expression does the sick-man’s wife use to describe the death of her husband?

a.      He died as merry as a bird

35.  The poem, The Ballad of Father Gilligan is about ____.

a.      God


T. Y. B.Com Poem 4. - To Science- MCQ

 To Science 

                                                                                                        -Edgar Allan Poe

1.       Who wrote the poem To Science?

a.      Edgar Allan Poe

2.      Who was a well-known American writer born in the year 1809?

a.      Edgar Allan Poe

3.      Who was a leading figure in the Romantic Movement in American Literature?

a.      Edgar Allan Poe

4.      For what type of tales was Edgar Allan Poe well known?

a.      Mystery Tales

5.      Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be the inventor of which genre?

a.      Detective fiction

6.      What type of sonnet is the poem To Science?

a.      Block sonnet

7.      What does the poet not support (dislikes) in the poem To Science?

a.      Science/ technological advancement and rationality

8.     According to Poe, what does science reflect?

a.      Curiosity without sensitivity

9.      What does Poe's poem directly addressing to?

a.      Science

10.  What is science referees to as in the poem To Science?

a.      Daughter of Old Time

11.   Why is science referred as ‘Daughter of Old Time’?

a.      Because science, like time, alters and destroys things.

12.  In the poem To Science what does ‘peering eyes’ refer to?

a.      Scientific method of close analysis

13.  To which creature is science compared to?

a.      Vulture

14.  Why is science seen as a ‘vulture’?

a.      Because it preys in the poet's creative imagination

15.  In the poem, the attitude of the poet to science is one of ____.

a.      Dislike

16.  The poem To Science reflects opposition between _______.

a.      Science and poetry

17.   Which all mythological characters are referred to in the poem To Science?

a.      Roman mythological character, Diana, Greek and Roman Mythological character, Hamadryad and classical mythological character, a water nymph, Naiad.

18.  Who is Diana according to Roman mythology?

a.      Goddess of the hunt who ride the moon

19.  What does the line ‘dragged Diana from her care mean in the poem To Science?

a.      Science destroys the sense of magic/pulls Diana from her chariot

20. Who is Hamadryad as per the Greek and Roman mythology?

a.      A nymph who lives and dies in a tree (woods)

21.  Who is Naiad according time classical mythology?

a.      Water nymph who lives in a river/ spring or waterfall

22. Which word is used by Poe to refer the dislike of science?

a.      Dull realities

23. According to the poet, science has ____.

a.      Disproved mythology

24. What does Poe mean in the lines ‘Who alterest all things with thy peering eyes' ?

a.      Science is based on sheer/keen observation

25. Why does Poe use classical Greek and Roman mythological character?

a.      To reveal how science restricts poetic imagination.

26. With mythological images what does Poe state regarding the connection of science and nature?

a.      Science is blind to all things in nature.

27.  What does Science prey upon?

a.      Poet's heart

28. What does the reference ‘Elfin from the green grass’ mean?

a.      Science does not support existence of fairies and elves

29. What has science taken away from humans?

a.      Human imagination

30. What do jewelled skies mean?

a.      Sky filled with stars

31.  Who is dragged from the car according to Poe?

a.      Diana, goddess of hunt

32. What does undaunted mean?

a.      Not intimidated/ unafraid

33. Who is driven out from the woods as per the sonnet To Science?

a.      Hamadryad, nymph of forest/woods/tree

34. What does soared mean in the poem To Science?

a.      Flew or raised high in the air

35. Who has been torn put from the flood according to Poe?

a.      Naiad, the water nymph

36. To seek for treasures in the ____ skies.

a.      Jewelled

37.  The summer dream beneath the ____ tree.

a.      Tamarind

38. What does the word beneath mean?

a.      Below

39. What do ‘dull realities in the sonnet To Science refer to?

a.      Reality based on facts and figures devoid (without) human imagination

40. What is the possible outcome of ‘Summer Dream’?

a.      Possibilities of creative ideas

41.  From where was Diana dragged out as per the poem To Science?

a.      From her car

42. Where was Hamadryad driven out from?

a.      From the wood

43. Where the nymph Hamadryad used to live?

a.      In the woods

44. What did Elfin lose according to the poet?

a.      Green grass

45. According to Poe, what does science prey upon?

a.      Poet’s Heart


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